Pelvis: Biomechanics Foundation of the Body

I International Congress of Classical Osteopathy
5-6 October 2019 | Hospital SOERAD Auditorium, Torres Vedras, Portugal

This will be the First International Congress of Classical Osteopathy held in Portugal,  organized by the APOC – Portuguese Association of Classical Osteopathy, in partnership with IPOC – Portuguese Institute of Classical Osteopathy.

The congress will have simultaneous translation (Portuguese – English and English – Portuguese) and a limitation of 100 registrations.


  • Scientific Commission: Francisco Toscano, Marco Silvestre and Hélder Cunha
    Organizing Committee: Luciane Bento, Ana Cristina Antunes, Miguel Otero and Carolina Vieira

5 October | Workshop

  • 09h00 – 12h00 and 14h00 – 17h00
  • Introduction to the Principles of Classical Osteopathy (Theory & Practice) | Mervyn Waldman DO & Marco Silvestre DO

6 October | Congresso

    • 8h30 – Reception
    • 9h00 – Opening Session | Dr. Marco Silvestre DO (PT)
    • 9h10 – Historical Reconstitution of Osteopathy | Dr. Hélder Cunha DO (PT)
    • 9h45 – The Osteoarticular Pathology vs The Surgical Intervention | Dr. Sérgio Azevedo PhD (PT)
    • 10h30 – Coffee Break
    • 11h00 – The Biomechanical Function of Pelvis | Dr. Nuno Barreto DO (PT) 
    • 11h45 – From Embryology to the Adult Nervous System – Osteopathic Approach to Neurogenic Disorders of the Pelvis | Dr. Bruno Campos DO (PT)
    • 12h30 – Lunch
    • 14h00 – The Pelvis – Where Healing Begins | Dr. Sören Jörgensen DO (DK)
    • 14h45 – The Pelvis: Its Integrative Function | Dr. Mervyn Waldman DO (IL)
    • 15h30 – Coffee Break
    • 16h00 – Case Study I | Dr. Carlos Raposo DO (PT)
    • 16h30 – Case Study II | Dr. Marco Silvestre DO (PT)
    • 17h00 – The Appointment of the APOC Career & Recognition Award 2019
    • 17h15 – Closing Session


Mervyn Waldman DO

Mervyn Waldman, President of the Institute of Classical Osteopathy, U.K., is a 1974 graduate of the BCOM and taught Principles & Practice of Classical Osteopathy at the ESO from 1976-1990. In addition, he became a graduate teacher of the Alexander Technique in 1981 and immigrated to Israel in 1990 where he entered hospital practice, for some 10 years in Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem and for the past 20 years in the Rambam Hospital’s Institute of Pain Medicine in Haifa.

Sérgio Azevedo PhD

Sérgio is an orthopedist, beginning his Medicine studies in 1993 at the Medicine Faculty of Lisbon University and in 2001 he joined the Orthopedic Specialty at CHTV. Author of several publications and presentations at events of the Orthopedics Portuguese Society, coordinator of multicentric international studies and lecturer in several training actions in Orthopedics, Sérgio currently performs Orthopedics at the CUF hospital unit in Torres Vedras.

Sören Jörgensen DO

Sören is an osteopath graduated in Physiotherapy (1995) and in 2004 he finished the Osteopathy Course (Scandinavia School of Osteopathy, Sweden) and the Postgraduation in Classical Osteopathy at JWCCO. He is a professor and an international lecturer and has been teaching classes in the field of osteopathic medicine in Sweden, England, Spain, and Portugal. Currently, Sören is Osteopath at Private Office and Teacher at the Stockholm College of Osteopathic Medicine.

Hélder Cunha DO

Hélder is an osteopath with 14 years of clinical experience, particularly in the area of amateur sport and high competition, marked by the following sporting activities: Roller Hockey, Football, Triathlon and Badminton. He began his teaching as an assistant professor at JWCCO– Portugal in 2013, proving to be a “natural born” speaker, passionate and with a very particular sense of humor. Currently he is teacher at the Instituto Português de Osteopatia Clássica, since 2015.

Bruno Campos DO

Bruno Moreira Campos is an osteopath specialised in Neuropathy. Bruno graduated in Osteopathy at the Oxford Brookes University and COL. In addition to his 10 years of clinical practice, Bruno was the founder of Osteoform where he is currently a trainer in neural mobilization.

Nuno Barreto DO

Nuno is an osteopath, physiotherapist and teacher, having graduated in Physiotherapy at ESSEM (2002). In 2007 he graduated in Osteopathy, and later in 2013, he studied Classical Osteopathy at JWCCO. From 2012 to 2016 was President of the Board of Directors of the Portuguese Association of Professionals of Osteopathy. In addition to several articles, in 2016 he published the book “Practical Component in Osteopathy”. He is currently Clinical and Technical Director at NBfisio clinics.

Carlos Raposo DO

Carlos is an osteopath, he started his Osteopathy course at the Instituto de Técnicas de Saúde in 2003. In 2006 he graduated in Pediatric Osteopathy at the Instituto de Pós-Graduações da Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa and from 2012 to 2015 he attended postgraduate in Classical Osteopathy at the John Wernham College of Classical Osteopathy. Currently, he is dedicated to the clinical practice, works for the Portuguese Government as an osteopath at the Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa and at the private clinic in Lisbon.

Marco Silvestre DO

Marco is an osteopath, he graduated in Osteopathy at the I.T.S. – Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa (2007), in 2011 he graduated in Classical Osteopathy at JWCCO, England. He has served as director and assistant professor in the representation of JWCCO in Portugal. Since 2009, in addition to clinical practice, in 2015 he founded the Portuguese Institute of Classical Osteopathy – IPOC, where he currently performs the functions of Clinical Director & Study Coordinator.


III International Congress of Classical Osteopathy | 12 - 13 October 2024

APOC Members Registration

III International Congress of Classical Osteopathy | 12 - 13 October 2024

APOC Members Registration

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Osteopathy, digestive sphere and micronutrition

Its harmony is essential to preserve our capital health

About the Speaker

André Metra DO

Member of the Register of Osteopaths of France
Diploma in Osteopathy
University of Anatomy diploma applied to clinical examination and imaging
Former head of the Osteopathy course at the Collège d'Enseignement Traditionnel de Ostéopathie Harold Magoun
Former head of the Viscéral department at the Instituto Supérieur d’Ostéopathie Paris. ISOP
International Speaker
Author of the book: « Traité Pratique d’Ostéopathie Viscérale » aux éditions Frison-Roche
Author of the book: «Cahier d’Ostéopathie pelvi-périnéale» preface by professor François Desgranchamps head of urology service, Hôpital St Louis, Paris. Aux editions Frison-Roche.
Co-founder and administrative director of the anatomo-clinical training and evaluation school. EFEAC

Mensagem do Director

Apesar de sermos uma instituição muito jovem, nem por isso nos devemos esquecer de que o que aqui fazemos é muito antigo, vem de muito longe e vai para muito longe: começou naquele dia perdido nos tempos em que pela primeira vez um ser humano percebeu que por detrás da biomecânica existia uma fisiologia imanente perante a equação da estrutura versos função e era obrigatório passar à geração seguinte a experiência e o saber que «o labor, o trabalho e a ação», como diria Hannah Arendt, lhe tinham proporcionado. Nesse dia longínquo, há dezenas de anos, esse ser humano deu início a uma das atividades mais belas e mais nobres da Humanidade: o ensino da Osteopatia.


É com o compromisso e o dever para com os nossos antecessores e alunos, que assumimos o ensino da Medicina Osteopática segundo os seus primórdios Princípios, com intuito na evolução e progresso do conhecimento.


Bem hajam ao IPOC.


O Diretor,
Marco Silvestre