APOC Thematic Webinars​ 2021

10th May - 24th July 2021

Mervyn Waldman DO

Classical Osteopathy in Obstetrics

10th May 2021 – 6 pm

André Metra DO

Osteopathy, digestive sphere and micronutrition

22nd May 2021 – 6 pm

Sandy Antunes DO

Classical Osteopathic Approach to the Skull

29th May 2021 – 6 pm

Christopher Batten DO

Littlejohn's approach to cranial treatment

12th June 2021 – 6 pm

Alexandre Cordeiro DO

The effects of thoracic spine manipulation/mobilization on lung function

24th July 2021 – 6 pm

10 May 2021 - 6 pm

Classical Osteopathy in Obstetrics

An introduction and review of its bedside principles and practices

About the Speaker

Mervyn Waldman DO

Mervyn Waldman is the President of the Institute of Classical Osteopathy in the United Kingdom. Since 1990 he has practiced Classical Osteopathy in hospitals and in his private clinic.
Hospital practice at Rambam Hospital’s Institute of Pain Medicine in Haifa – Israel.
Hospital Practice at Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem – Israel.
Alexander Technique graduate teacher.
Professor at the European School of Osteopathy – ESO, he taught Principles and Practice of Classical Osteopathy.
Graduate British College Of Osteopathic Medicine – BCOM.

22 May 2021 - 6 pm

Osteopathy, digestive sphere and micronutrition

Its harmony is essential to preserve our capital health

About the Speaker

André Metra DO

Member of the Register of Osteopaths of France
Diploma in Osteopathy
University of Anatomy diploma applied to clinical examination and imaging
Former head of the Osteopathy course at the Collège d'Enseignement Traditionnel de Ostéopathie Harold Magoun
Former head of the Viscéral department at the Instituto Supérieur d’Ostéopathie Paris. ISOP
International Speaker
Author of the book: « Traité Pratique d’Ostéopathie Viscérale » aux éditions Frison-Roche
Author of the book: «Cahier d’Ostéopathie pelvi-périnéale» preface by professor François Desgranchamps head of urology service, Hôpital St Louis, Paris. Aux editions Frison-Roche.
Co-founder and administrative director of the anatomo-clinical training and evaluation school. EFEAC

29 May 2021 - 6 pm

Classical Osteopathic Approach to the Skull

Mechanical relationships, cranial movement and injury

About the Speaker

Sandy Antunes DO

With over 20 years of experience, Sandy has evolved her career from Shiatsu therapy to Osteopathy. Graduating from the Canadian Academy of Osteopathy and Holistic Health Sciences with a Diploma in Osteopathic Manipulative Theory and Practice in 2008, Sandy completed her Masters in Osteopathic Manipulative Sciences in 2010.
After completing the JWCCO course, she continued her training in Classical Osteopathy with ICO, with teacher training and assistance in practical sessions.
In addition to running her own successful practice and serving as a highly respected anatomy professor in Toronto, Sandy is a director and volunteer for the Society For Osteopathic Wellness. She is registered with the Ontario Osteopathic Association, is a member of the Registry of Osteopaths and OSTCAN. She is also an international speaker at the Institute of Classical Osteopathy.

12 June 2021 - 6 pm

The Littlejohn Approach to Cranial Treatment

About the Speaker

Christopher Batten DO

Christopher Batten graduated in 1989 from Maidstone College of Osteopathy under the late John Wernham.
He has taught pathology, osteopathic principles and applied mechanics of the spine and pelvis at Maidstone College of Osteopathy since 1991.
From 1991 to 1993 he taught at the John Wernham International Academy of Classical Osteopathy in St. Joris-Weert, outside Leuven, Belgium. He regularly taught his undergraduate program until moving to Belgium for a full-time position in 1992 and 1993, teaching and managing the busy graduate clinic.
In 1999 he was invited to teach at postgraduate level at the Institute of Classical Osteopathy (ICO).
In 2000, Christopher was appointed co-president of the ICO and wrote its newsletter, later taking on the role of director of the postgraduate course, under the guidance of John Wernham. He later became Secretary of the ICO and is the current Director of Education.
In addition to his roles at the OIC, Christopher has a life as an itinerant lecturer, teaching in various locations across Europe, Canada, Japan and Russia.
He is not registered with the General Osteopathic Council but is a registered member of the Association of Osteomyologists and practices as an osteomyologist in Devon.

24 July 2021 - 6 pm

The effects of thoracic spine manipulation/mobilization on lung function

What is known

About the Speaker

Alexandre Cordeiro DO

Researcher at IPLUSO, Center for Research in Health Sciences and Technologies – NICiTeS - at Escola Superior de Saúde Ribeiro Sanches (ERISA)
PhD student in “Physical Education and Sport”, Physical Activity and Health branch at the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport at ULHT
Master in “Exercise and Wellbeing”, Exercise, Nutrition and Health branch from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports of ULHT
Diploma in Osteopathy - Professional Certificate nº 0100288 - ACSS
Diploma in Naturopathy - Professional Certificate nº 0300096 – ACSS

III International Congress of Classical Osteopathy | 12 - 13 October 2024

APOC Members Registration

III International Congress of Classical Osteopathy | 12 - 13 October 2024

APOC Members Registration

Mensagem do Director

Apesar de sermos uma instituição muito jovem, nem por isso nos devemos esquecer de que o que aqui fazemos é muito antigo, vem de muito longe e vai para muito longe: começou naquele dia perdido nos tempos em que pela primeira vez um ser humano percebeu que por detrás da biomecânica existia uma fisiologia imanente perante a equação da estrutura versos função e era obrigatório passar à geração seguinte a experiência e o saber que «o labor, o trabalho e a ação», como diria Hannah Arendt, lhe tinham proporcionado. Nesse dia longínquo, há dezenas de anos, esse ser humano deu início a uma das atividades mais belas e mais nobres da Humanidade: o ensino da Osteopatia.


É com o compromisso e o dever para com os nossos antecessores e alunos, que assumimos o ensino da Medicina Osteopática segundo os seus primórdios Princípios, com intuito na evolução e progresso do conhecimento.


Bem hajam ao IPOC.


O Diretor,
Marco Silvestre