APOC Thematic Webinars 2023

01 May - 26 June 2023

Caroline Stone DO

Rhythms and oscillation in children's feeding

01st May 2023 – 9 pm

Miguel Faria DO

Viscero-Somatic Pain - The role of the ANS in referred pain

15th May 2023 – 9 pm

José Talefe DO

Osteopathic intervention during the Spanish flu pandemic of 1917-1919

29th May 2023 – 9 pm

Elisabete Lourenço DO

Assess and communicate in Pediatric Osteopathy

12th June 2023 – 9 pm

José Pereira DO

Movement and physical exercise combined with Osteopathy

26th June 2023 – 9 pm
1 May 2023 - 9 pm

Rhythms and fluctuations in child feeding

Approaches to understanding the dynamics of sucking, swallowing, breathing and which reflexes and rhythms operate. Overview of anatomy and neurophysiology.

About the Speaker

Caroline Stone DO

Caroline is highly experienced in visceral manipulation, visceral osteopathy, osteopathic medicine and care of mother and baby. She is very interested in exploring how osteopathy might help people manage pains and problems associated with multiple traumas, complex pain, myofascial components of abdomino-pelvic pain and some post operative adhesion symptoms. Caroline runs courses and lectures in the UK and abroad, speaks at numerous international conferences, publishes books and articles and has a strong interest in research, evidence based practice and developing the profession. She has been involved in osteopathic regulation in various countries, held Principal, Vice Principal and Head of Clinic positions in various osteopathic institutions in UK and has qualifications in education, medical assessment and elearning. She is an experienced expert witness, and regularly leads various projects in osteopathic practice, competence and credentialing.

15 May 2023 - 9 pm

Viscero-Somatic Pain

The role of the ANS in referred pain

The visceral system is richly innervated by the autonomic nervous system. When in dysfunction, the nociceptive fibers that travel with the SNS nerves are capable of producing metameric sensitization, which can lead to patterns of referred pain in somatic tissues.

About the Speaker

Miguel Faria DO

Osteopath and Physiotherapist
Degree in Physiotherapy
Diploma in Osteopathy D.O.
Graduated in Respiratory Physiotherapy for children
Graduated in Myofascial Therapies (Myofascial induction and fascia manipulation)
Professor of Osteopathy at EOM (Escuela de Osteopathy de Madrid)

29 May 2023 - 9 pm

Osteopathic intervention during the Spanish flu pandemic of 1917-1919

Historical Perspective

The great influenza pandemic of 1917-1919 provided a unique opportunity for Osteopathy to demonstrate its full therapeutic potential, through the application of its elementary principles.

In the USA, it was found that patients treated by osteopathic doctors had a much lower mortality rate compared to records of patients treated by conventional doctors.

Demonstrating that this clinical success was not a coincidence, in recent decades, similar results have been found by researchers.

Remembering this episode highlights and reinforces the vitality of osteopathic philosophy, fundamental in preserving our collective memory.

About the Speaker

José Talefe DO

José has a Diploma in Osteopathy from the Lusíada University of Lisbon, a Postgraduate in Classical Osteopathy (John Wernham College of Classical Osteopathy) and a Specialization in Sports Osteopathy (Academia Española de Osteopatía).
Master's degree in Research in Biological Sciences Applied to Health (ERISA) and also completed a PhD in Biomedicine (FCS -UBI)
In addition to his Osteopathic Clinical practice, he teaches a degree in Osteopathy (ERISA- Instituto Politécnico da Lusofonia) and, over the last 15 years, has presented several Papers at Congresses, Conferences and Seminars.
Master's degree in Physical Education (FMH) with vast and diverse experience in the area, namely teaching Physical Education and Sports, Sports Training and the areas of Fitness and Sports Rehabilitation.

12 June 2023 - 9 pm

Assess and communicate in Pediatric Osteopathy

Two key points for the success of the intervention

Being an Osteopath in the Pediatric field requires awareness of the importance of a good assessment, taking into account the different stages of the baby and child’s development.

In addition, interpersonal communication also plays a key role in facilitating, enriching and improving the results of our intervention.

About the Speaker

Elisabete Lourenço DO

I don't think it would be bold to say: this is simply my standard of living! It's what I bring with me and carry every day into my professional life, not because I intend to conquer the world, but because I always think that the world benefits and grows if it is more scented with Love...
I started my professional activity in the beautiful city of Porto, but it took a few years for me to feel that I should return to my origins. Maybe more help is needed here, I thought... maybe here I can better support my purpose... And today, I feel that way...
I developed my private practice in Osteopathy with adults, started treating teenagers and children and here I come to this house, to continue all the inspiration that my patients give me every day, and I find even more motivation, perhaps because I continue not to choose the World!
To each baby, teenager and family that comes to me I promise, not the world, but the best of myself, of Pediatric Osteopathy and the best of the world – Love!

26 June 2023 - 9 pm

Movement and physical exercise combined with Osteopathy

This webinar aims to raise awareness among Osteopathy professionals and provide strategies associated with exercise that contribute to the therapeutic success of their patients.

About the Speaker

José Pereira DO

Degree in Sports Sciences and Physical Education from the University of Coimbra.
Graduated in Osteopathy from the Portuguese College of Natural Medicine.
Personal Trainer and Master Trainer.

III International Congress of Classical Osteopathy | 12 - 13 October 2024

APOC Members Registration

III International Congress of Classical Osteopathy | 12 - 13 October 2024

APOC Members Registration

22 May 2021 - 6 pm

Osteopathy, digestive sphere and micronutrition

Its harmony is essential to preserve our capital health

About the Speaker

André Metra DO

Member of the Register of Osteopaths of France
Diploma in Osteopathy
University of Anatomy diploma applied to clinical examination and imaging
Former head of the Osteopathy course at the Collège d'Enseignement Traditionnel de Ostéopathie Harold Magoun
Former head of the Viscéral department at the Instituto Supérieur d’Ostéopathie Paris. ISOP
International Speaker
Author of the book: « Traité Pratique d’Ostéopathie Viscérale » aux éditions Frison-Roche
Author of the book: «Cahier d’Ostéopathie pelvi-périnéale» preface by professor François Desgranchamps head of urology service, Hôpital St Louis, Paris. Aux editions Frison-Roche.
Co-founder and administrative director of the anatomo-clinical training and evaluation school. EFEAC

Mensagem do Director

Apesar de sermos uma instituição muito jovem, nem por isso nos devemos esquecer de que o que aqui fazemos é muito antigo, vem de muito longe e vai para muito longe: começou naquele dia perdido nos tempos em que pela primeira vez um ser humano percebeu que por detrás da biomecânica existia uma fisiologia imanente perante a equação da estrutura versos função e era obrigatório passar à geração seguinte a experiência e o saber que «o labor, o trabalho e a ação», como diria Hannah Arendt, lhe tinham proporcionado. Nesse dia longínquo, há dezenas de anos, esse ser humano deu início a uma das atividades mais belas e mais nobres da Humanidade: o ensino da Osteopatia.


É com o compromisso e o dever para com os nossos antecessores e alunos, que assumimos o ensino da Medicina Osteopática segundo os seus primórdios Princípios, com intuito na evolução e progresso do conhecimento.


Bem hajam ao IPOC.


O Diretor,
Marco Silvestre