The International Congress of Classical Osteopathy brings 2 days of unique experiences for healthcare professionals who want to evolve their clinical practice.
9:00 – 12:00 – Workshop I
“The importance of the lymph as vital fluid for the human body” Hendrik Vlek DO (CH)
14:00 – 17:00– Workshop II
“A dual perspective of circulation within the Theory and Practice of Osteopathic Principles” Francisco Toscano DO (ES)
8:30 – Secretariat Opening
9:00 – Congress Opening Marco Silvestre DO (PT)
9:10 – The 5 Osteopathic Models in Clinical Practice Sílvia Gomes DO (PT)
9:40 – A dual perspective of circulation within the Theory and Practice of Osteopathic Principles Francisco Toscano DO (ES)
10:10 – The Classical Osteopathic approach to fluid dynamics in the cranial field Paul Mazzucco DO (IT)
10:40 – Coffee Break
11:20 – The importance of Lymphatic treatment in Classical Osteopathy for a common eye pathologie: Glaucoma Hendrik Vlek DO (CH)
11:50 – The Contribution of the Classical Osteopathic Approach in Pediatric Respiratory Infection – Case Study 1 Isabel Fonseca DO (PT)
12:20 – Presentation of Finalist Posters
12:50 – Lunch
14:30 – The rule of the artery is supreme – The nature cure approach Alexander Johnson DO (UK)
15:20 – The Contribution of Classical Osteopathy in Stress Cardiomyopathy: Fiction or Reality Miguel Otero DO (PT)
15:50 – Coffee Break
16:30 – Beyond the rule of the artery? Applying vasomotion in practice Christopher Batten DO (UK)
17:00 – Hemorrhagic Stroke – Osteopathic Body Adjustment Treatment – Case Study Abel Santos FT (PT)
17:30 – Awards for the best Poster – Free Communication
17:40 – Appointment of the APOC Career & Recognition Award 2024
17:50 – Closing Session
Congress Live on Youtube***
Workshop + Congress**
150€ (until April 30th)
185€ (until August 30th)
215€ (until October 10th) Sold Out
Students have a 50% discount.
*includes lunch and coffee breaks
**workshop includes coffee breaks // conference includes lunch and coffee breaks
*** the live congress on youtube will be in English
95€ (until April 30th)
145€ (until August 30th)
185€ (until October 10th)
Congress Live on Youtube***
45€ (until 30th April)
65€ (until August 30th)
85€ (until October 10th)
Workshop + Congress**
255€ (until 30th April)
295€ (until August 30th)
335€ (until October 10th) Sold Out
Students have a 50% discount.
*includes lunch and coffee breaks
**workshop includes coffee breaks // conference includes lunch and coffee breaks
*** the live congress on youtube will be in English
In fact, the huge importance of lymphatic circulation for Classical Osteopathic Treatment seems to be often ignored nowadays in many osteopathic trainings!
And especially, the big roles of the diaphragm and liver for lymph circulation (anatomically and physiologically) are still hardly considered…
I will go over the basic anatomical and psycho-physiological aspects of lymph circulation, and I will mention some main pathophysiological aspects for which Classical Osteopathic Treatment can be very important and thus very useful.
Should be realized that; all body cells are bathed in lymph and that the lymph volume represents three times the entire blood volume (arterial and venous blood together)!
I will also explain how, many pathologies which are considered as « red flags » for osteopathic treatment; can be very well taken care of by Classical Osteopathic Treatment in acute and chronic situations!!
I will also consider several recent research outcomes which do confirm so well many ignored and criticized statements of great former osteopaths like A. T. Still and J. M. Littlejohn.
Last but not least; I will show some techniques to enhance the lymphatic system; especially for the diaphragm and liver and I will give you some reading references.
Anatomical, pathophysiological, and treatment considerations.
Following a degree in Physical Education and Physiotherapy at the Catholic University at Leuven (B), Hendrik studied at the International John Wernham Academy of Classical Osteopathy at Leuven (B) in association with the Maidstone College of Osteopathy (UK).
After graduation in 1995 he started an osteopathic practice in Sion Switzerland, where he also mentors since 1999, trainees of the Swiss School of Osteopathic Medicine. At this school he was expert for the final exams for more than 7 years.
Hendrik was one of the first osteopaths to pass the Swiss States Exam for osteopaths in 2008. He was actively involved in creating the Swiss Association of Osteopaths, and lectures on many of their post-graduate courses. Since October 2017 he mentors in his practice the trainees for the Swiss MSc in Osteopathy.
For many years, with a lot of pleasure, he also teaches at the ICO. In October 2017 and 2018 at the iO convention, in London, he was one of the speakers from the ICO team. He was also a speaker at online conferences from the ICO and AIOC and he made several demonstration video for the ICO and one for an online conference from the Osteopathic Alliance. In March 2024 at the 70th Anniversary Conference of the ICO, he was one of the leaders of a workshop and conference speaker.
He published some articles as well.
He’s married and together with his wife Sarah, they have 3 children.
The workshop will provide the chance to give an overview of various relevant topics such as:
My name is Francisco Toscano Jimenez, I am a Spanish national, raised in Germany and educated in the United Kingdom. Different countries and cultures have been a part of my life since early childhood, upbringing, and throughout my studies and professional life.
My professional development began in the mid-1990s when I became interested in health and sports sciences. What began as a hobby became a vocation of life.
My initial training in Manual Therapy and Sports Physiotherapy were the first steps in my professional path. After a few years of practice in Germany I saw my interest growing towards a broader and deeper understanding of the human body. Understanding health as more than the absence of symptoms led me to conclude that Osteopathy was providing the answers to many of my questions. I come to realize and understand Osteopathy as a true biological science.
My journey in Osteopathy started in England where I completed a honours degree in Osteopathic Medicine, BSc Hons. Ost. Med. in 2006. After years in private practice in England and Spain, I have recently chosen to move to the country of origin of my wife.
From 2008-2018 I have provided postgraduate programs, lectures, conferences in Classical Osteopathy, and a publication on Fascia. Osteopathy has provided me with wonderful teachings and learning possibilities in countries like Sweden, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and beyond the Atlantic. Osteopathy has no borders or boundaries!
Understanding and treating the human body as a whole rather than as a sum of parts has been my dedication and interest in clinical practice and experience over the last 25 years.
Integration of the structural and functional balance of the body is the basis of the process in natural therapeutics. This fundamental principle of natural therapeutics provides Osteopathy the capacity to support the human body from unhealth to health.
“The rule of artery and vein is universal in all living beings, and the osteopath must know that and abide by its rulings, or he will not succeed as a healer.”
A. T. Still, The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy.
This is vital to the effective practice of osteopathy, but to truly master the circulation, its balance, pressure regulation and distribution, an applied understanding of vasomotion is central. This lecture will look at the vasomotor influences and their relations to the applied mechanics and treatment application.
Christopher Batten, FICO Education Director at the Institute of Classical Osteopathy.
He graduated in 1989 from Maidstone College of Osteopathy under the guidance of the late John Wernham. He has taught pathology, osteopathic principles, and applied mechanics of the spine and pelvis at Maidstone College of Osteopathy since 1991.
From 1991 to 1993 he taught at the John Wernham International Academy of Classical Osteopathy in St. Joris-Weert, outside Leuven, Belgium.
Christopher regularly taught its undergraduate program until moving there for a full-time position in 1992 and 1993, teaching and managing the busy graduate clinic. In 1999 he was invited to teach at the postgraduate level at the Institute of Classical Osteopathy (ICO).
In 2000, Christopher was appointed co-president of the ICO and wrote its newsletter, later taking over the postgraduate course under the guidance of John Wernham. He later became Secretary of the ICO and is the current Director of Education. In addition to his roles at ICO, he now enjoys life as a traveling lecturer, teaching in various locations across Europe, Canada, Japan, and Russia.
He currently lives and practices in Toronto, Canada.
In this 30 minute lecture, we will delve into the principles and practice behind Andrew Taylor Stills’s famous quote.
Osteopathy brought a mechanical and physiological approach to the arteries of the body, while Nature Cure principles (which enveloped Osteopathy) dealt with the quality of the blood contained within them.
The lecture will look at the duel importance of the Osteopathic treatment and the Nature Cure lifestyle practice for the patient.
Fluid Motion – movement is medicine
In this short afternoon follow up slot. Alex will lead the conference through a simple, but dynamic movement routine which will consolidate the ideas planted in the morning lecture. This will give us a chance to move our bodies on the Sunday, liberating our circulation and energy flow and allow us to practice what we preach in practice.
Alex is the son of principal dancers at the Royal Ballet, he grew up with osteopathy playing a prominent role in maintaining his family’s overall health. This strongly influenced his initial desire to become an osteopath and he subsequently began training at the BSO – British School of Osteopathy in 1999. From 2000 he also began studying classical osteopathy at the Institute of Classical Osteopathy, as well as the philosophy of Nature’s Cure.
He completed his first studies in 2003 and began working for a prestigious member of the BSO. He later also opened his clinic in Chiswick. He completed his postgraduate training in Classical Osteopathy in 2006.
Starting in 2009, and through various family circumstances, Alex continued his in-depth study of Natural Healing, Natural Hygiene and Biogenic Living with his mentor, John Fielder, at the Academy of Natural Living in Australia. He was awarded full membership of the ISRN in 2015.
He currently works at his Osteopathic clinic in West London, practicing Classical Osteopathy and “direct” Natural Healing methods. He advocates the natural management of all acute crises without suppression. And, in managing patients with chronic illnesses, he focuses on eliminating the causes of toxicity in order to promote the ideal environment for the body to heal itself.
Follow on Instagram: naturecurefamily
Visit website: My Health & Happiness
The 5 osteopathic models describe in a structured way the osteopath’s clinical practice based on the fundamental principles of Osteopathy, that is, each model has a direct relationship with a Still’s law applying it to the reality of clinical practice.
Each of the 5 models will be briefly presented with examples of their clinical application. Given the context of the Congress, a deeper reflection will be made on the relevance of the respiratory-circulatory model, demonstrating its importance in the osteopath’s clinical approach as a contribution to the patient’s homeostasis.
Interested in the health sector since childhood. Determined, motivated, and very committed to personal and professional growth and development. He always wants to know more and has an enormous capacity for dedication to his work. Loves working in a team. Married since 2010, mother of a 13-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy spends as much time as possible with her family and closest friends. She likes hiking, reading, and watching movies.
In 2004, she graduated in Osteopathy. In 2015, she completed her Master’s in Management and Assessment of Health Technologies and, in 2020, she completed her Master’s in Management and Assessment of Health Technologies.
In 2019 she began her PhD in Public Health, specializing in Health Promotion at the National School of Public Health at Universidade Nova de Lisboa. The curricular year of the Doctoral Program was successfully completed and the research protocol is currently in the development phase.
Since 2005, she has been practicing in her own private practice. Since 2020, she has been a Managing Partner and is part of the board of directors of Clínica da Hygeia-Clínica de Osteótica de Lisboa.
When we ask a modern-day osteopath how he does his job, in most cases he will tell us what technique he uses; “I use the functional technique, I use the muscle energy technique, I use the biodynamic technique, etc“. Rarely, very rarely will he begin his speech starting with the osteopathic principles that he implements in his osteopathic diagnosis and treatment. As Littlejohn said in 1998, in his farewell speech to the newly graduated osteopaths: “You are not sent out with a formula or a set of techniques to apply for this and that, you are sent out with a solid knowledge of the principles thanks to which you will be able to face all the diseases.”
In this presentation, the aim is to analyze the cranial vault from a functional point of view, assimilating it to a cavity, comparing it, and integrating it, functionally, with all the other cavities of the body, from the thoracic to the abdominal and pelvic ones. In this global and integrated context, once adjusted, the dynamics of fluids can circulate freely and carry out its main task which A. T. Still, allegorically, defined as “irrigating the arid fields”.
Paul graduated in Sports Science in 1994. In 1997 he graduated in Physiotherapy. In 2003 he qualified as an Osteopath in Italy and 2005 he graduated from the JWCCO in Classical Osteopathy, under the direct tutelage of John Wernham.
In 2006 with some friends he founded the Italian Association of Classical Osteopathy (AIOC), of which he was president for about 10 years, today he holds the position of secretary. From 2008 to today, the AIOC has been holding postgraduate courses in classical osteopathy in Italy, in partnership with The Institute of Classical Osteopathy.
Paul translates for Italian students and mainly teaches physiological mechanics and applied mechanics both in Italy and abroad. Furthermore, he is currently co-director of the Littlejohn Center in Dublin, founded and directed by Chris Campbell, with whom he carries out several advanced study projects for students who have completed postgraduate studies in classical osteopathy.
“A regra das artérias e veias é universal em todos os seres vivos, e o osteopata deve saber disso e obedecer às suas regras, ou não terá sucesso como curador.”
A. T. Still, The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy.
Isto é vital para a prática eficaz da osteopatia, mas para dominar verdadeiramente a circulação, o seu equilíbrio, regulação e distribuição da pressão, é fundamental uma compreensão aplicada da vasomoção. Esta palestra examinará as influências vasomotoras e as suas relações com a mecânica aplicada e a aplicação do tratamento.
He is from Lisbon where he currently resides. Since 2012 he has been translating/teaching Classical Osteopathy classes at JWCCO. He is also a teacher at Companhia Olga Roriz. Miguel considers himself passionate about the movements of life and the art of exercise.
In 2014, he completed the Postgraduate and Advanced Course in Classical Osteopathy (The John Wernham College of Classical Osteopathy – England).
And in 2011 he completed the Course in Osteopathy (Institute of Health Techniques).
Currently, he practices in his private practice and in Clinics in Lisbon.
“A regra das artérias e veias é universal em todos os seres vivos, e o osteopata deve saber disso e obedecer às suas regras, ou não terá sucesso como curador.”
A. T. Still, The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy.
Isto é vital para a prática eficaz da osteopatia, mas para dominar verdadeiramente a circulação, o seu equilíbrio, regulação e distribuição da pressão, é fundamental uma compreensão aplicada da vasomoção. Esta palestra examinará as influências vasomotoras e as suas relações com a mecânica aplicada e a aplicação do tratamento.
Born in Lisbon, Isabel currently resides in Torres Vedras. With 15 years of experience in Clinical Analysis and Public Health Laboratory, Isabel is passionate about the health sector. Osteopathy awakened even more, the special fascination with the art of caring and treating using Manual Therapy.
In 2007 she completed her Degree in Clinical Analysis & Public Health (ERISA – Lusófona Lisboa (Internship at Hospital São José)). In 2013, she completed the Osteopathy course (ITS Lisbon).
She also completed the advanced course in Classical Osteopathy (JWCCO and IPOC-2014-2015). And, in 2016, the Postgraduate Course in Classical Osteopathy – IPOC
Currently, she collaborates with the IPOC clinic, and the Passo em Frente clinic in Torres Vedras, where she gives Osteopathy consultations. She is also a professor at IPOC.
“A regra das artérias e veias é universal em todos os seres vivos, e o osteopata deve saber disso e obedecer às suas regras, ou não terá sucesso como curador.”
A. T. Still, The Philosophy and Mechanical Principles of Osteopathy.
Isto é vital para a prática eficaz da osteopatia, mas para dominar verdadeiramente a circulação, o seu equilíbrio, regulação e distribuição da pressão, é fundamental uma compreensão aplicada da vasomoção. Esta palestra examinará as influências vasomotoras e as suas relações com a mecânica aplicada e a aplicação do tratamento.
Abel is from Setúbal, but currently resides in the council of Torres Vedras.
He graduated as a Physiotherapist and worked as such in several institutions. He worked in different areas such as geriatrics, functional rehabilitation, hydrotherapy and sport.
The principles of Osteopathy fascinated him so much that he has dedicated himself to this day to applying them in daily practice to everyone who needs it and seeks it out. In 2022, he completed the Specialization Course in Classical Osteopathy, at IPOC.
Currently, he is a Physiotherapist with training in Classical Osteopathy in a private office (Setúbal) and at the Portuguese Institute of Classical Osteopathy.
Member of the Register of Osteopaths of France
Diploma in Osteopathy
University of Anatomy diploma applied to clinical examination and imaging
Former head of the Osteopathy course at the Collège d'Enseignement Traditionnel de Ostéopathie Harold Magoun
Former head of the Viscéral department at the Instituto Supérieur d’Ostéopathie Paris. ISOP
International Speaker
Author of the book: « Traité Pratique d’Ostéopathie Viscérale » aux éditions Frison-Roche
Author of the book: «Cahier d’Ostéopathie pelvi-périnéale» preface by professor François Desgranchamps head of urology service, Hôpital St Louis, Paris. Aux editions Frison-Roche.
Co-founder and administrative director of the anatomo-clinical training and evaluation school. EFEAC
Apesar de sermos uma instituição muito jovem, nem por isso nos devemos esquecer de que o que aqui fazemos é muito antigo, vem de muito longe e vai para muito longe: começou naquele dia perdido nos tempos em que pela primeira vez um ser humano percebeu que por detrás da biomecânica existia uma fisiologia imanente perante a equação da estrutura versos função e era obrigatório passar à geração seguinte a experiência e o saber que «o labor, o trabalho e a ação», como diria Hannah Arendt, lhe tinham proporcionado. Nesse dia longínquo, há dezenas de anos, esse ser humano deu início a uma das atividades mais belas e mais nobres da Humanidade: o ensino da Osteopatia.
É com o compromisso e o dever para com os nossos antecessores e alunos, que assumimos o ensino da Medicina Osteopática segundo os seus primórdios Princípios, com intuito na evolução e progresso do conhecimento.
Bem hajam ao IPOC.
O Diretor,
Marco Silvestre