Pediatrics: An Integrative Approach

II International Congress of Classical Osteopathy
1-2 October 2022 | Hospital SOERAD Auditorium, Torres Vedras, Portugal

The II International Congress of Classical Osteopathy took place in Portugal, organized by APOC – Portuguese Association of Classical Osteopathy, in partnership with IPOC – Portuguese Institute of Classical Osteopathy.

The congress will be translated into Portuguese-English and English-Portuguese) and there will be a limitation of 100 in-person vacancies.


  • Scientific Committee: Francisco Toscano, Marco Silvestre and Hélder Cunha
    Organizing Committee: Luciane Bento, Tânia Santos, Miguel Otero and Carolina Vieira

1 October | Workshop

09h00 – 12h00 and 14h00 – 17h00

“An exploration of John Wernham’s Infant treatment approach” (Theory and Practice) – Christopher Batten DO

Having worked closely with John Wernham, Chris Batten will be examining this approach, the techniques involved, and associated and directing a workshop on their use and application with video or a live demonstration.

“Treating Babies and Children – applying osteopathic principles to pediatrics” (Theory and Practice) – Karen Carroll DO

Karen has 28 years experience at the Children’s Osteopathic Center in London. This workshop will address some of the differences between pediatric and adult anatomy and physiology, it will also develop an understanding of what is relevant in the case history and examination for infants and children under 3 years of age and how this helps us apply our osteopathic principles and approach. cranial trauma to infants and young children to better integrate aspects of the history, symptoms, and osteopathic findings into a meaningful whole to support treatment. Watch Video

2 October | Congress

8h30 – Secretariat Opening

9h00 – Opening of the Congress | Marco Silvestre DO (PT)

9h10 – A View of Pediatrics According to Classical Osteopathic Principles | Sandy Antunes DO (CAN)

9h40 – Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis – a multidisciplinary approach | Ana Bia MD (PT)

10h10 – The Mouth | Rita Sousa Tavares MD (PT)

10h40 – Coffee-break

11h10 – Basic principles of breastfeeding | Cátia Cardoso CAM (PT)

11h40 – The contribution of osteopathy to the global development of students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (PHD) in the 1st cycle of basic education – a multiple case study | Hélder Cunha DO (PT)

12h10 – Osteopathy intervention in the Craniofacial sphere Bruno Cunha DO (PT)

12h40 – Lunch

14h10 – Valuation of cranial dysfunction – Miguel Oliveira DO (PT)

14h40 – Cranial Osteopathy for babies, children and teens – Karen Carroll DO (UK)

15h10 – Childhood asthma treatment principles and case study –  Christopher Batten DO (UK)

15h40 – Coffee-break

16h10 –Cranial Sacral Therapy in Pediatrics – José Campos DO (PT)

16h40 – Case Study within the scope of the Final Work of the Specialization Course in Classical Osteopathy 2019/22. “The contribution of Classical Osteopathy in low back pain undergoing Transpedicular Arthrodesis” – Fábio Serieiro EOC (PT)

17h10 – Special Session – Presentation of the best Posters

18h10 – Diplomas for Finalists of the Specialization Course in Classical Osteopathy 2019/22

18h30 – Awards for the Best Poster

18h40 – Nomination of the APOC Career and Recognition Award

19h00 – Closing of Congress


Christopher Batten DO

After an undergraduate education under the guidance of John Wernham, Chris graduated in 1989 and has spent 33 years practicing Classical Osteopathy. He began teaching at John Werham’s college in 1991 teaching the osteopathic perspective on pathology and has been teaching almost continuously since. In 1999 he became involved with the Institute of Classical Osteopathy, initially as a Chairman and lecturer, then as the Secretary and Director of Education, which he still maintains to this day. He has traveled extensively teaching and lecturing at conferences throughout Europe, in Canada where he currently lives and works, Russia, Japan, and Ukraine. He is passionate about keeping alive the teachings of the original osteopaths and their approach to healthcare, with the benefit of more than a hundred years of clinical practice.

Congress Topic: “Childhood asthma treatment principles and case study”

Summary: Christopher Batten will be discussing the classical osteopathic perspective and resolution of asthma with references to cases treated to the point of cure in those children.

Karen Carroll PhD

Karen runs the Amersham Osteopathic Clinic, Buckinghamshire, UK as well has been a Consultant at the Foundation for Paediatric Osteopathy / Osteopathic Centre for Children Clinic, London, UK since 2005 Her osteopathic training was at the British College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy

Karen teaches Post Graduate Pediatric Osteopathy in the UK, Europe, and South America is a member of the SCCO faculty, and teaches the Biobasics UK courses. She is Chair of the SCCO research subcommittee and is part of the CUTIES (National Council for Osteopathic Research) Trial Management Group

Congress Topic: “Cranial Osteopathy for babies, children, and teens”

Summary: So, you want to treat babies and children? The challenges and rewards of 30 years working in pediatric osteopathy – encountering the unfamiliar, developing curiosity and creativity in osteopathic palpation, diagnosis, and treatment of babies and children.

Francisco Toscano DO

Born in Frankfurt – Germany, he currently resides in Malaga – Spain. Francisco is an International Lecturer. Since 2006 he has been teaching Classical Osteopathy classes in England, Finland, Spain, Sweden, Portugal, Switzerland, and Canada. He is a lecturer and co-organizer of several conferences and lectures organized by the JWCCO – “The John Wernham Memorial Lecture”.

Congress Topic: “An Osteopathic reflection and evaluation of the integrative growth and development of Motor and Cognitive behavior”

Summary: This presentation emphasizes on the reflection and evaluation of growth and development, structure and function under the biological laws and osteopathic principles. The notion of Integration presents a fundamental basis that allows and acknowledges the complexities of the physiological physics in the early development of the human body. Our aim to demystify the eternal Nature vs Nurture debate in biology and clarification of their symbiotic relationship will provide the starting point of a truly holistic patient centred therapeutical approach.

Ana Bia MD

Currently, Ana practices Orthopedics and Traumatology at Centro Hospitalar do Oeste – Torres Vedras.

In 2008 she completed her studies in Medicine at the Faculty of Medicine of Lisbon, Lisbon – Portugal.

Congress Topic: “Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis – a multidisciplinary approach”

Summary: Scoliosis is characterized by a lateral deviation of the spine in the coronal plane with a Cobb angle greater than 10 degrees, associated with a rotational component of the vertebrae. It can be considered a three-dimensional deformity of the spine because it presents alterations in the coronal, sagittal, and axial planes.

Bruno Cunha DO

Doctorate in Physical Activity and Health, Master in Social Education and Community Intervention, and Diploma in Osteopathy (Cédula prof. Osteopatia)/Specialist in Osteopathy by public exams. Degree in Physiotherapy.

Adjunct Professor of Osteopathy at Escola Superior de Saúde Ribeiro Sanches- IPluso (Portugal), Prof. guest at the Osteopathy Course at Faculdade Inspirar- Brasil; Porto Polytechnic. Porto Higher School of Health; Dept coordinator Therapies and Rehabilitation of the Portuguese Association of Parents and Friends of Citizens with Mental Disabilities – APPACDM de Sant. Osteopath in Private Practice.

Congress Topic: “Intervention of Osteopathy in the Craniofacial Sphere”

Summary: The lecture aims to address the Osteopathy Intervention in the craniofacial sphere and its relationship with the different systems (Clinical Case).

The newborn’s skull often presents different shapes arising from different etiologies, which may be the origin of dysfunctions in pediatric age. According to osteopathy, the presence of symptoms/pathologies is associated with most cases and, consequently, with changes in the craniofacial region and its normal functioning. The performance of osteopathy in pediatrics is done through specific, adapted, and gentle techniques, different from intervention in adults. In this way, it is important to understand the role of the osteopath as complementarity in multidisciplinary teams, its limits, its intervention, its objectives, and the evidence of its performance.

Cátia Cardoso CAM

2022 – Postpartum Doula Course – Portuguese Network of Doulas; 2019 – Massage workshop for babies with developmental delays – Peter Walker; 2018 – Training Consultancy in Babywearing – Crianza Natural; 2017 – Training for a Breastfeeding Counselor (CAM) – SOS Breastfeeding; 2017 – Ayurveda Massage Therapist Course – IMT; 2017 – Shantala Massage Therapist Course – IMT; 2013 Nov – Reiki Level II – Master Sónia Ferreira; 2013 Jan- Reiki Level I – Master Miguel Esteves

Congress Topic: “Basics of breastfeeding”

Summary: The chemical process of breastfeeding; Importance of the mother’s well-being in breastfeeding; Start on the right foot; The handle; Breastfeeding positions.

Hélder Cunha DO

Born in Valado dos Frades, in the municipality of Nazaré, where he currently resides, Hélder is an osteopath with over 18 years of clinical experience, namely in the field of amateur and high-competition sports, where the following sports practices stand out: Roller Hockey, Football, Triathlon, and Badminton. He began his teaching as an assistant professor in 2013 at JWCCO – Portugal, where he has proved to be a fervent instigator of the principles and concepts that govern Classical Osteopathy.

Congress Topic: “The contribution of osteopathy in the global development of students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the 1st cycle of basic education – a multiple case study”

Summary: This presentation aims to promote to the scientific community the first academic work (Master’s thesis) carried out and published (RCAAP) in Portugal, of a “Multiple Case” study in Osteopathy.

José Campos DO

Osteopath specializing in CranioSacral Therapy. Born in 1966, in Portugal, he traveled to South Africa where he remained until 1992. Higher Education in Homeopathy (South Africa); Diploma in Nutrition (South Africa); Training in the field of sport (South Africa); Superior Course of Osteopathy (England – 1999); Training in CranioSacral Therapy and Visceral Manipulation; Professor of CranioSacral Therapy, graduated in the USA – 1998. Started his clinical activity in Portugal, in 1992.

Congress Topic: “CranioSacral Therapy in Pediatrics”

Summary: “The therapeutic approach. Clinical cases. The integration of parents in therapy. International statistics.”

Miguel Oliveira DO

He is from São João de Vêr, where he currently resides. Miguel is an osteopath with 13 years of clinical experience at the service of training at Futebol Clube do Porto, in which he has been developing his clinical practice in the area of pediatric specialization.

Congress Topic: “Valuation of cranial dysfunction

Summary: Cranial function in the infant is one of the most important components of a pediatric osteopathic assessment. The biggest journey of our lives has a natural yet violent physical impact, namely on the newborn’s head.

Rita Sousa Tavares MD

Exclusive practice in Functional Jaw Orthopedics, Orthodontics and Occlusion; Postgraduate in Pediatric Dentistry, Pregnant Women and Babies, Orthodontics, Occlusion and Functional Jaw Orthopedics, and Breathing Normalization using the Buteyko method – Breathing Normalization Specialist; Invisalign – dental aligners; NOA – mandibular advancement device – sleep disorders and apnea; Trainer of Trainers; Researcher, coordinator of child prevention consultation, Consultancy in Functional Jaw Orthopedics and Breathing Normalization. Trainer in integrated courses and Congresses in the various areas of health and for the population.

Congress Topic: “The Mouth”

Summary: The beginning of everything? The way we adapt to society and the environment has repercussions far beyond those noted. Increasingly, as health professionals we notice coincidences in the characteristics of patients who come to our consultations. In general, there are ‘normal’ family background excuses. Will these characteristics be present even in patients when they are born or will they be a set of factors to which they are exposed and that are perpetuated in the same family for generations? From the foods we consume to the way we consume them, daily habits and the lack of true conductors will be changing our children, their mouths, breathing, chewing, and other functions of the stomatognathic system.


III International Congress of Classical Osteopathy | 12 - 13 October 2024

APOC Members Registration

III International Congress of Classical Osteopathy | 12 - 13 October 2024

APOC Members Registration

22 May 2021 - 6 pm

Osteopathy, digestive sphere and micronutrition

Its harmony is essential to preserve our capital health

About the Speaker

André Metra DO

Member of the Register of Osteopaths of France
Diploma in Osteopathy
University of Anatomy diploma applied to clinical examination and imaging
Former head of the Osteopathy course at the Collège d'Enseignement Traditionnel de Ostéopathie Harold Magoun
Former head of the Viscéral department at the Instituto Supérieur d’Ostéopathie Paris. ISOP
International Speaker
Author of the book: « Traité Pratique d’Ostéopathie Viscérale » aux éditions Frison-Roche
Author of the book: «Cahier d’Ostéopathie pelvi-périnéale» preface by professor François Desgranchamps head of urology service, Hôpital St Louis, Paris. Aux editions Frison-Roche.
Co-founder and administrative director of the anatomo-clinical training and evaluation school. EFEAC

Mensagem do Director

Apesar de sermos uma instituição muito jovem, nem por isso nos devemos esquecer de que o que aqui fazemos é muito antigo, vem de muito longe e vai para muito longe: começou naquele dia perdido nos tempos em que pela primeira vez um ser humano percebeu que por detrás da biomecânica existia uma fisiologia imanente perante a equação da estrutura versos função e era obrigatório passar à geração seguinte a experiência e o saber que «o labor, o trabalho e a ação», como diria Hannah Arendt, lhe tinham proporcionado. Nesse dia longínquo, há dezenas de anos, esse ser humano deu início a uma das atividades mais belas e mais nobres da Humanidade: o ensino da Osteopatia.


É com o compromisso e o dever para com os nossos antecessores e alunos, que assumimos o ensino da Medicina Osteopática segundo os seus primórdios Princípios, com intuito na evolução e progresso do conhecimento.


Bem hajam ao IPOC.


O Diretor,
Marco Silvestre